
更新:2023-07-26 17:41作者:S 奇亚状态:连载点击:176

位于美国纽约市内,中央公园东侧,第五大道上1000号,世界知名的博物馆--大都会博物馆,多年来一直隐藏着一个无法公诸于世的神祕事件。    每年初秋的第一个月圆之夜,馆内珍贵的收藏品,便会无故失纵。馆长..


  • Chapter 1 New York City
  • Chapter 2 The Met Museum
  • Chapter 3 The Mission
  • Chapter 4 The Talk
  • Chapter 5 The Secret Chamber
  • Chapter 6 The Waiting
  • Chapter 7 The Limbo
  • Chapter 8 The Voice
  • Chapter 9 Two Spirits
  • Chapter 10 Chase or Play?
  • Chapter 11 The Song
  • Chapter 12 Deja Vu
  • Chapter 13 The Phantom
  • Chapter 14 The Detective
  • Chapter 15 The Negotiation
  • Chapter 17 The Decoy
  • Chapter 16 The Burglars
  • Chapter 18 The Town of the Great Gatsby
  • Chapter 19 The Hospital
  • Chapter 20 The Richard's Secret Room
  • Chapter 21 The Mystery
  • Chapter 22 The Sketch
  • Chapter 23 The Bait
  • Chapter 24 The Long Waiting
  • Chapter 25 The Magic?
  • Chapter 26 The Answer
  • Chapter 27 The Haunting Past
  • Chapter 28 The Chinese Chess Game
  • Chapter 29 敦煌