

    44. Woodrow Wilson, Message to Congress, April 2, 1917, inU.S. Presidents and Foreign Policy from 1789 to the Present, ed. Carl C. Hodge and Cathal J. Nolan (Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABCCLIO, 2007), 396.
    45. Peace Without Victory, January 22, 1917, in supplement toAmerican Journal of International Law 11 (1917): 323.
    46. Wilson, Message to Congress, April 2, 1917, inPresident Wilsons Great Speeches, and Other History, Making Documents (Chicago: Stanton and Van Vliet, 1917), 17ndash;18.
    47. Woodrow Wilson, Fifth Annual Message, December 4, 1917, inUnited States Congressional Serial Set 7443 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1917), 41.
    48. Woodrow Wilson, An Address at Mount Vernon, July 4, 1918, in Link,Papers, 48:516.
    49. Wilson, Message to Congress, April 2, 1917,President Wilsons Great Speeches, 18.
    50. Wilson, Fifth Annual Message, December 4, 1917, in The Foreign Policy of President Woodrow Wilson: Messages, Addresses and Papers,ed. James Brown Scott (New York: Oxford University Press, 1918), 306.
    51. Ibid. See also Berg, Wilson, 472ndash;73.
    52. Woodrow Wilson, Remarks at Suresnes Cemetery on Memorial Day, May 30, 1919, in Link,Papers, 59:608ndash;9.
    53. Lloyd George, Wilson memorandum, March 25, 1919, in Ray Stannard Baker, ed.,Woodrow Wilson and World Settlement (New York: Doubleday, Page, 1922), 2:450. For a conference participants account of the sometimes less than idealistic process by which the new national borders were drawn, see Harold Nicolson,Peacemaking, 1919 (1933; London: Faber amp; Faber, 2009). For a contemporary analysis, see Margaret MacMillan,Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World(New York: Random House, 2002).
    54. Address, January 22, 1917, in Link,Papers, 40:536ndash;37.
    55. Wilson, Message to Congress, April 2, 1917,President Wilsons Great Speeches, 18.
    56. Wilson, Address to a Joint Session of Congress on the Conditions of Peace (January 8, 1918) (Fourteen Points), inPresident Wilsons Great Speeches, 18. See also Berg, Wilson, 469ndash;72.
    57. 一般情况下,在主要大国力量没有直接卷入的地区,当它们都认为有必要监控有关国家之间协议的落实情况时,联合国提供了有益的维和机制。联合国比国联强得多,履行了许多重要职能:为处于困难中的外交接触提供论坛,完成了几次重大的维和行动,推出了许多人道主义举措。这些国际机制未能做到也不可能完成的是:当大国有分歧的时候,它们无法参与判断哪一项具体行为构成了侵略,无法决定采取什么方式抵制侵略。
    58. Differences Between the North Atlantic Treaty and Traditional Military Alliances, appendix to the testimony of Ambassador Warren Austin, April 28, 1949, in U.S. Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations,The North Atlantic Treaty, hearings, 81st Cong., 1st sess. (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1949), pt. I.
    59. Roosevelt to James Bryce, November 19, 1918, inThe Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, ed. Elting E. Morrison (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954), 8:1400.
    60. 为了镇压对意大利殖民扩张的抵抗,1935年,墨索里尼下令意大利军队入侵了今天的埃塞俄比亚。尽管国际上齐声谴责,国联也没有采取集体安全措施。通过不加区分地轰炸和使用毒气,意大利占领了阿比西尼亚。这个新生的国际共同体既没有有效地应对日本帝国入侵中国东北地区,也没有对这次意大利的侵略采取行动,导致国联名存实亡。
    61. 美国与他国达成的规定放弃战争作为国家政策的条约,1928年8月27日于巴黎签署,1929年1月16日参议院建议批准,1929年1月17日由总统批准。批准书于1929年3月2日分别存放于美国(华盛顿)、澳大利亚、加拿大自治领、捷克斯洛伐克、德国、英国、印度、爱尔兰自由邦、意大利、新西兰和南非联邦,1929年3月26日存放于波兰,1929年3月27日存放于比利时,1929年4月22日存放于法国,1929年7月24日存放于日本,1929年7月24日宣布生效。
    62. See Peter Clarke,The Last Thousand Days of the British Empire: Churchill, Roosevelt, and the Birth of the Pax Americana(New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2009).
    63. Radio Address at Dinner of Foreign Policy Association, New York, October 21, 1944, inPresidential Profiles: The FDR Yearsed. William D. Peterson (New York: Facts on File, 2006), 429.
    64. Fourth Inaugural Address, January 20, 1945, inMy Fellow Americans: Presidential Inaugural Addresses from George Washington to Barack Obama(St. Petersburg, Fla.: Red and Black Publishers, 2009).
    65. William C. Bullitt, How We Won the War and Lost the Peace,Life, August 30, 1948, as quoted in Arnold Beichman, Roosevelts Failure at Yalta,Humanitas 16, no. 1 (2003): 104.
    66. 罗斯福一抵达德黑兰,斯大林就宣称苏联情报部门发现了纳粹的阴谋,企图在峰会上一起暗杀丘吉尔、罗斯福和斯大林,代号远跳。美国代表团成员对苏联的报告深表怀疑。 Keith Eubank, Summit at Teheran: The Untold Story (New York: William Morrow, 1985), 188ndash;96.
    67. As quoted in T. A. Taracouzio,War and Peace in Soviet Diplomacy (New York: Macmillan, 1940), 139ndash;40.
    68. Charles Bohlen,Witness to History, 1929ndash;1969 (New York: W. W. Norton, 1973), 211. See also Beichman, Roosevelts Failure at Yalta, 210ndash;11.
    69. Conrad Black, Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom (New York: PublicAffairs, 2003). 虽然我倾向于布莱克的解释,但罗斯福也可以称得上是斯芬克斯,不会给出明确的答案。温斯顿middot;丘吉尔概括起来比较容易。战争期间,他曾若有所思地说,如果他能每周在克里姆林宫吃一顿饭,一切都会好起来的。随着二战接近结束,他命令参谋长准备与苏联开战。