

    飞行员:In the old time, an evil man named Ogopogo had murdered the respected Chief named Okanagan. The Chief fell down and laid flat becoming the beautiful Okanagan Lake to benefit his people. The murderer ?C Ogopogo was filled with remose for what he had done. He had begged the gods to change him into an serpent to protect the lake. The gods agreed to do so. But they had mad him so ugly that he must be always hiding under the water. Ogopogo would crane his head out of the water only if Okanagan let him do so to send good wishes to the lucky people. So only a few lucky ones are able to see it. (很久以前,有一个邪恶的人叫奥猓泼猓。他谋杀了让人尊敬的酋长奥克拿根。酋长倒下躺平,就变成了美丽奥克拿根湖,使他的人民受益。杀人犯奥猓泼猓对他的罪行非常后悔,就祈求神仙把他变成了一头湖怪来保护湖泊。神仙答应了。但是神仙把他变得太丑了,他只好常年躲在湖底里,只有当奥克拿根让他向幸运的人们祝福时,他才把头伸出水面来。所以,只有少数幸运的人才能看到它。)
    飞行员:So, if you are lucky enough today, you might see the Ogopogo. (因此,今天我们要是够幸运的话,说不定看得到奥猓泼猓。)
    刘俊豪:Did anybody see it (有人见过它吗?)
    飞行员:Yeah. In 1870, Mrs. Allison saw it from Sunnyside. It looked like a huge tree trunk some 15 meter long and 1 meter wide floating and moving against the current. This may be the first sighting of Ogopogo by a modern person. (有。1870年,艾利森太太从阳光岸rdquo;看到了它。它看起来像一根15米长1米直径的木头,浮在水面逆流而上。这也许是现代人看到水怪的第一例。)
    导游:After 1870, there were reports of sighting of Ogopogo almost every year. (1870年后,几乎每年都有看到奥猓泼猓的报告。)
    刘俊豪:Did anybody video taped it (有人用摄像机拍摄到了吗?)
    导游:Yeah, there were some. (有,有一些摄像。)
    刘俊豪:Can you give us an example (你能举一个例子吗?)
    导游:Sure. In the early morning on August 9, 2004, John Casorso and his family were in a house boat. They heard thumping and thrashing beneath the boat and the boat tilted 20 degrees and was rocking. Later on, he video taped a large object with humps stretching out of the water like a reptile. (好的。2004年8月9日的大清早,约翰卡索索和他的家人坐在一条房船上。他们听到船底下传来了嘣嘣的响声,船倾斜了20多度,接着开始摇晃。后来,他用摄像机拍到了一个有凸峰的东西,就像蟒蛇一样伸出水面来。)
    辛笛儿:Who are you (你是谁?)